Youth Ministry Events — True Life Church
to Jul 12

Reach Out Rochester 2025

Reach Out Rochester will be a Christ centered mission trip designed to bring students closer to Him and share the love of God as they serve throughout the community of Rochester July 6-12 2025. Students will be challenged to grow in their faith as they participate in community outreach, prayer walks, and become aware of hurting individuals. We have developed relationships with a number of partner ministries that will give students a chance to serve in a meaningful way, as well as come alongside some of our own outreach ministries here at True Life Church. In addition, our church is seeking to reach out to the town of Eyota.

Reach Out Rochester is designed:

• to help students see God at work in, among and through them.

• to focus on service as part of our response to God’s great love shown to us in Christ.

• to have solid teaching and engaging worship.

• to facilitate relationships between youth groups.

• to keep costs low and impact high.

Please complete your registration form and include either a $50 nonrefundable deposit or the complete payment of $200 to True Life Church by May 18th 2025.

You can RSVP on Facebook for this at

Click here to download the individual Reach Out Rochester registration form

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1:30 PM13:30

Winter Camps

This winter we are inviting all of our high school students to attend “Sr High Winter Weekend” at IPOINT. Senior High Winter Weekend is February 14-16th. A number of students attend this year’s Reality Apologetics Conference which means that they are eligible to attend this retreat for free. In order to receive this BOGO offer, registration for Senior High Winter Weekend is due December 15th. The cost for anyone who didn’t participate in the BOGO offer is $75 per student.

Registration forms can be found on the youth group bulletin board.

We will be departing on February 14th at 1:30 and returning before 6:00 pm on the 16th.

This winter we are inviting all of our Jr. High students to attend “Confirmation Camp” at IPOINT. Confirmation Camp” is March 7-9. A number of students attend this year’s Reality Apologetics Conference which means that they are eligible to attend this retreat for free. In order to receive this BOGO offer, registration for “Confirmation Camp” is due February 1st. The cost for anyone who didn’t participate in the BOGO offer is $75 per student.

Registration forms can be found on the youth group bulletin board.

We will be departing on March 7th at 1:30 and returning before 6:00 pm on the 9th. For more information about the retreat, go to

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1:00 PM13:00

Tundra Tubing

Tundra Tubing has been rescheduled for February 1st from 1-4:30 all students in grades 6-12 are invited to “Tundra Tubing” which will be held at Camp Victory. We will be sharing this event with five other Lutheran Brethren Churches which will give us an awesome time together. We are asking for all students to be dropped off at the tubing hill by 1 pm and to be picked up by the gym at 4:30. The cost is $10 if paid in advance and $15 if paid the day of. Please sign up in advance.


The Schedule is as follows:

  • 1 pm – 3 pm – Snow Tubing

  • 2 pm – 3 pm – Open Play in the Gym (Hot Chocolate)

  • 3 pm – 3 pm – Large group games and devotional

  • 4pm – 4:30 pm – Dessert pizza

The cost is $10 if paid in advance and $15 if paid the day of. Please sign up in advance.

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Reality Apologetics Conference
to Nov 9

Reality Apologetics Conference

Reality Apologetics Conference, (RA24) sets out to tackle some of the toughest issues that our students face. Students will have multiple opportunities to worship, to be challenged in their faith and to attend seminars of their choosing. Our cost is $65 for any student paid in full by 9/13 and $90 for any student registered thereafter. This year we will again be partnering with Calvary Evangelical Free Church in Rochester. We will be sharing a school bus and using the same hotel as them

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10:30 AM10:30

Winter Youth Group Retreats 2025

Senior High Winter Weekend

This winter we are inviting all of our high school students to attend “Sr High Winter Weekend” at IPOINT. Senior High Winter Weekend is February 14-16th. A number of students attend this year’s Reality Apologetics Conference which means that they are eligible to attend this retreat for free. In order to receive this BOGO offer, registration for Senior High Winter Weekend is due December 15th. The cost for anyone who didn’t participate in the BOGO offer is $75 per student.

Registration forms can be found on the youth group bulletin board.

We will be departing on February 14th at 1:30 and returning before 6:00 pm on the 16th. For more information about the retreat, go to

Confirmation Camp

This winter we are inviting all of our Jr. High students to attend “Confirmation Camp” at IPOINT. Confirmation Camp” is March 7-9. A number of students attend this year’s Reality Apologetics Conference which means that they are eligible to attend this retreat for free. In order to receive this BOGO offer, registration for “Confirmation Camp” is due February 1st. The cost for anyone who didn’t participate in the BOGO offer is $75 per student.

Registration forms can be found on the youth group bulletin board.

We will be departing on March 7th at 1:30 and returning before 6:00 pm on the 9th. For more information about the retreat, go to

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Middle School Mania @ IPOINT
to Oct 13

Middle School Mania @ IPOINT

  • Google Calendar ICS

All True-Life Church Jr. High Students are invited to go to Middle School Mania at IPOINT this fall, which is October 11-13th. IPOINT has a $25 discount for those registered early and we as a church will match that price which means the cost is only $60 if you are paid and registered by September 21st .

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Laser Tag
5:30 PM17:30

Laser Tag

Kickoff Laser Tag and Bonfire - The first event for the school year will be a night of laser tag which will be held at Jake and Heidi Sellers home in Stewartville on September 28th from 5:30-8:30 pm. Their address is 6629 County Rd 108 in Stewartville. The cost is $7 per student which will help to defer the cost of the rental equipment. Please sign up so we can plan accordingly.

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Camping Trip
to Aug 17

Camping Trip

We will be hosting a camping trip to Afton State Park. We will meet at the church at 4:00 pm on Friday August 16th and return to he church Saturday August 17th at 4:00 pm. The cost is $15 per person or $25 per family.

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Cascade Bay
1:15 PM13:15

Cascade Bay

We invite all students to join us for a fun, water filled day at Cascade Bay in Eagan MN. Will be partnering with Oak Hill Church for this event. We will be meeting at True Life Church at 1:15 pm and will return to the church by 10:00 pm. Wood fired pizza dinner will be provided. The cost is $10 per person.

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Elevate Youth Convention 2024
to Jul 6

Elevate Youth Convention 2024

The next youth convention is in the summer of 2024. As you consider it ---- talk to any of the 12 students who went in 2024 and they will tell you how great of a time that it was. And as you consider it, we have a great trip planned as we did in 2022 with 8 other churches while we travel via coach bus. We will be traveling from June 30th through July 7th.


Be encouraged to visit the promo video, to look at our schedule in detail, and to be aware that the cost is a flat $530 for hotels and registration costs plus the cost of the bus. (The bus costs depends on the passenger load).


The next steps are to:

  1. Complete an EYC registration form and submit it with a $100 nonrefundable deposit.

  2. The fundraiser

  3. To attend a student/parent meeting in support of the trip on January 7th

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Stella's Stellar Disc Golf Extravaganza
1:00 PM13:00

Stella's Stellar Disc Golf Extravaganza

All youth are invited to come and be a part of a team disc golf experience on Saturday, May 18,  beginning at 1:00 pm.  Not a pro at throwing a frisbee?  No worries, as there will be unique rules for each hole.  This event will take place at the Driftless 9 Disc Golf Course at Gamehaven.  This is located on 50th St SE, off of highway 63 South in Rochester.  This FREE event includes an ice cream run after the disc golf.  

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Where's Waldo
3:30 PM15:30

Where's Waldo

Where's Waldo Youth Event

🔍🎉 Hey, Youth! Get ready for an epic Where's Waldo adventure. We will meet on April 6th at 3:30 pm at church. THen hunt through the bustling mall, spot Waldos, and win exciting prizes. Then, wrap up the adventure with delicious pizza back at the church. The end time will be 6:30 pm It's an afternoon you won't want to miss! 🍕🔍

We need adults to be Waldos! If interested please get in touch with Mark N.

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Winter Blast 2024
to Feb 11

Winter Blast 2024

Winter Blast

Registration for Winter Blast will begin on 11/12. This retreat is for students in Jr and Sr High and it will be outstanding. If you complete a registration form by January 6th the cost will be $60. After that, the cost is $90. We will explore Twin Oaks camp, have some great food, attend four worship sessions, have plenty of time to explore God’s creation and compete against other youth groups in some team events. We will depart at 1:30 PM on Friday, February 9th, and return home at 6 PM on February 11th. If you attend the REALITY APOLOGETCS conference, this retreat is free. To take advantage of the BOGO offer, please return your registration form by January 6th.

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 Snow Tubing  @ The Brue Farm
2:00 PM14:00

Snow Tubing @ The Brue Farm

All students in grades 6-12 are invited to go snow tubing/sledding at the Brue Farm on 1/13 from 2-4 pm as we enjoy an amazing hill and a powered tow rope to get us to the top of the hill. Students should bring warm clothes and their own tube or sled. Please sign up and please feel free to invite friends. Please provide your own transportation to and from this event. The address is 1101 60th Ave SW, Rochester.

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Reality Apologetics
to Nov 11

Reality Apologetics

Last year we had a great group of students attend the Reality Apologetics Conference as they tackled some tough issues that our students face. As you look at this year’s schedule and speaking themes you can see that once again that they are trying to reach our students with the issues that they are confronted with. To learn more about the speakers and schedule of the conference, go to


Students will have multiple opportunities to worship, to be challenged in their faith and to attend seminars of their choosing.


Our cost is $60 for any student paid in full by 9/13 and $90 for any student registered thereafter. This year we will be partnering with Calvary Evangelical Free Church in Rochester. We will be sharing a school bus and using the same hotel.


This school year we will be offering a BOGO offer on this retreat and the Winter Blast Retreat. If you register, we will cover the cost for Winter Blast.


Students attending must have a 2023-2024 school year release form on file.


We depart at 2:30 on 11/10 and we return on 11/11 at 8 pm. We will be meeting at and departing from Calvary Evangelical Free Church in Rochester.

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Youth Group Mini Golf
1:00 PM13:00

Youth Group Mini Golf

Attention High School Students!  On Saturday, October 14 you are invited to a high stakes round of mini-golf.  Well, not that high of stakes, but there will be a couple of fun challenges above and beyond normal mini-golf.  We will meet at 1:00 at True Life and head to Kellog, MN.  We plan to return by 5:00.  Cost is $10 per person and includes ice cream.  Sign up today!

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Middle School Mania
to Oct 15

Middle School Mania

All True Life Church Jr. High Students are invited to go to Middle School Mania at IPOINT this fall, October 13-15.

This is open to all students in grades 6-8

We will depart at 1:30 from the church (yep, you get to get out of school early) and we will return on the 9th by 7 pm.

IPOINT has a $25 discount for those registered early and we as a church will match that price which means the cost is only $55 if you are paid and registered by 9/14

To register, please complete a registration form located on the youth group bulletin board.

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S'mores & More
5:30 PM17:30

S'mores & More

A number of youth groups in our area had planned to host a “Night of Worship” on September 24th but that event is not happening. In light of that, we invite all 6th – 12th-grade students to come to “Smores + More” on September 24th from 5:30-7:30 at the Johannesen house. As we gather, students will get to roast hot dogs over the fire, play yard games, enjoy a campfire worship set with Jacob Johnson, and they will get to enjoy smores and more. The Johannesen address is 5753 Longboat Rd NW in Rochester.

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Mississippi River Boat Day
9:30 AM09:30

Mississippi River Boat Day

The Mississippi River Boat Day will be happening on August 9th.(rain date 8/16). We invite all students to join us as we will be spending the day at Lake Pepin on a pontoon boat. The cost is $10 per student. We will depart at 9:30 am and return home by 7:00 pm. Please bring sunscreen, towels, strap-on sandals (not flip flops) and giant inflatables as able. Life jackets will be provided by our host.


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Reach Out Rochester
to Jul 22

Reach Out Rochester

Reach Out Rochester is happening July 16-22. ROR23 is a great opportunity for students currently in grades 6-12 to serve together with others from within our youth group and from several other churches. The cost is $175 if registered by June 1st and $200 through July 1st. For more info and to register, go to

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Splash n Dash
to Jul 9

Splash n Dash

Trip Schedule

Please register by 7/1 so we can finalize our hotel reservation and transportation.

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